Sunday 8 June 2008

Meet the Manager: Terry Beech

Terry is one of the most known managers in the Liverpool server. Managing the team Bush Wanderers (user el_tez) he is on top flight for the 13th season in the hardest Conference of server (8-1-1), having won it one time. He is also the man behind the Friendly League in the Liverpool server.

Hello, who are you?
Terry, 42, West Cumbria

Wich team/teams and in wich server are you managing?
Bush Wanderers on Liverpool server, named after my real world team (see picture on profile). Not on any other servers.

How long are you playing SL?
Since 2005

What was your biggest moment in SL?
I won 8-1-1 with a free credits team, which wasn't bad. In fact winning anything's good, because you've always got to get through at least a couple of tough games. I've won a few t-shirts :-)

Who´s your biggest rival in SL?
Too many to pick out one - any of the Friendly League regulars, and a few dearly departed.

What is your favourite team in real life?
Liverpool (since early 70s) and Carlisle United.

Do you have any hobbies?
As well as this, still play football, and run a fantasy league. Girlfriend and son get the rest of my time.

What does attract you more on SL ?
When there's a good crack, and the Friendly League. But getting more limited for time.

What are you expecting of SL08?
That it's the same enough to not be learning a new game, and different enough to be interesting. And I hope they introduce some ways to reduce the time consuming stuff, or a way of staying competitively involved without it taking over every evening...

Thank you very much Terry.

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