Saturday 28 June 2008

Meet the manager: Rowan Morrell

Another top manager who will be known by all on the Felix, Oscar and Charlie servers. He managed to pinch the 8-1-1 title from the Redhill Rovers last season on Felix. A feat no one has managed for 12 seasons (well done mate) :)

1.Name, age and address

Rowan Morrell, 36, Wellington NZ

2.Name of your team/server and other teams that you have in SL.

Wombles of Wimbledon, Felix (womblingfree);
Coro Street Rovers, Oscar (nzyowie);
The Scarlet Pimpernels, Charlie (scarletpimpernel)

3.How long have you been playing SL

I signed up on Oscar and Charlie in January 2006, and Felix in September 2006. So 2 1/2 years all up.

4.What was your biggest moment on SL

On Oscar: Winning three consecutive Managers Tables and finally winning the Elite Cup would rank first equal. On Charlie: winning every major final (11 now!) that I have ever been in, and winning six or seven consecutive CMLs at one stage. On Felix: FINALLY taking the 8-1-1 title off the Redhill Rovers!

5.Who's your biggest rival on SL

On Oscar: MADONE without a doubt, and Floriana FC in my division. Other teams of note include Chester City FC, West Herts Stags, Columbian Clowns and Jedi Knights. On Charlie: Wanderers FC and ramsgate fc within my division; Hellsnear Rangers FC, LUCIFERS DRAGONS, Ramsgate Reds, Stonehenge FC and The Sedgebeers Co. (among others) outside my division. There are also some teams I don't play that often, like the Crazy Gang, Team Cool and BillySharps Comeback, which give me an uncommon amount of grief. And let's not forget the ubiquitous Clowns ... On Felix: Redhill Rovers. Of all my rivals, the Redhill Rovers are by far the toughest and most frustrating team that I have ever played. Whereas my record against most major rivals is respectable (50% winning record at least), I think my winning percentage against the Redhill Rovers is about 10%! :-( And I'm pretty sure I haven't beaten them in the entire 2008 calendar year! There have been a couple of draws though.

6.Who's your favourite team in real life In real life,

I'm more of a cricket and rugby follower than a soccer one. But I'll go with Manchester United.

7.What else do you do in your spare time

Collect stuff, make Web sites about the stuff I collect, watch DVDs, read books, listen to my MP3 player and write children's mystery/adventure books (one of which I have actually self-published on Lulu, and it has so far taken the market by storm, selling one whole copy! Someone call the New York Times!).

8.What do you like about playing SL

I like the fact that I win a lot! ;-) It's a pretty easy game to learn. It also rewards good management and penalises bad management, which I appreciate. Although the match engine sometimes throws up some dodgy results, the vast majority seem pretty fair to me. All in all, the game is well designed and well run, and is by far and away the best of any of the CAT Games.

9.What would you like to see in SL08

A much better transfer market would help. The current TM is unmitigated crap. There used to be a lot more superstars on it. I don't know why that's no longer the case. The live in-game match reports sound like fun. Hopefully the match engine will be that much fairer as well.

10.Anything else you would like to say to your fellow managers

The Scarlet Pimpernel has been unmasked, but what the hey. I still aim to be demmed elusive for my Charlie rivals! And one day, God willing, I will beat MADONE in an Elite Cup game and defeat the Redhill Rovers before the ball in Times Square drops for 2009. After all, I won 8-1-1 on Felix this season, which is proof that miracles do happen.
Good night, God Bless, you've been a great audience.

Thanks Rowan. Keep up the good work and lets see if you can beat Redhill this season as im sure he will be gunning for you. :)

1 comment:

Chico said...

You have done really nice on Charlie. I guess we will meet just on SL08.