Sunday 8 June 2008

Meet the Manager: Hasan Saffour

Hasan aka elite_one is one of the most respectable managers in the Sunday League world. On Arsenal server he is managing the team Conquerers where he is on the top flight of the server for the last 25 seasons. Lets read what he have to say.

Hello, who are you?
Hasan Saffour, 24 years old & live in London.

Wich team/teams and in wich server are you managing?
Only the one team called elite_one on the Arsenal server. I've visited other servers but usually to check the forums rather than build a team.

How long are you playing SL?
I started off in August 2004, so close to 4 years now.

What was your biggest moment in SL?
There's been loads. Let me think....probably the time I held all 3 majors as well as the official world cup. Winning the flame league is also a special moment as it sets you out as the best of the best on your server, and I've done that a fair few times.

Who´s your biggest rival in SL?
Loads past and present. On the top of my head; johnny, dickie, sadam, pattherat, booker, goonarob, mfbourke, jonah, icky, piers, petter, piresisgod and loads more others...

What is your favourite team in real life?
The best team in the world...urm...that would be Arsenal if you didn't already know.

Do you have any hobbies?
Footy, tennis, table-tennis, volleyball, reading and going out.

What does attract you more on SL ?
Two main things. The fact that you're playing against real people which generates competitiveness and banter. Secondly, the forums, although it's died down a lot and sadly its heyday seems to have passed.

What are you expecting of SL08?
It's important to sort out the inconsistencies of the match engine, and the little bits and pieces that need fine-tuning. I believe that should have been the focus over the past year rather than the promised SL08 which has lead to many people leaving the game. SL03 was IMO the best version. Hopefully SL08 will re-ignite my passion for the game.

Many thanks Hasan.

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