Saturday 28 June 2008

Everton: Elite Cup Season 38

Billy Blugeon
Normal Pitch
I was taking a look at Grubby-Monkeys team and i realize how hard it would be to match a starting eleven that could fit in this team. He really need to replace about 5 players that are losing stats very much.
Both teams starting this game in nutter with Blugeon, wich just shows that both wanted to win the game at any price.
The Pirates started the game with advantage so it was not hard to score. When they both were with the same tactics the Pirates scored again and i believe that this secong goal almost killed the game. Grubby took advantage after half time (with psycho!!!) and scored one goal but it was not enough. Fair win to Paisley Pirates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alls fair in love and Score...

A few games earlier I beat Pirates to deny him Manager of the season and 4-1-1 Champion...
