Saturday 14 June 2008

Meet the Manager: Steve Stevens

Steve is another top manager in the Sunday League world. Many also know him by Skye and he is managing at this moment two teams, on Charlie and Smokey, both under the username of headchef. Lets ask him some questions.

Hello, who are you?
Steve Stevens, 37, Bridgend, South Wales.

Wich team/teams and in wich server are you managing?
The Sedgebeers Co. on Charlie Server
The Stevens Co. On Smokey Server

How long are you playing SL?
I've been playing for 7-8 years now but not 100%, but about that.

What was your biggest moment in SL?
Winning your first major title is a big moment, but on Charlie server it was winning 4 World Cups consecutively, on Smokey server its winning the Champions Shield and Managers Table in my third season on that server.

Who´s your biggest rival in SL?
So many to mention as on Charlie although its quieter now, but long term pain in the backside include: Lowes A, Stonehenge, Lucifers Dragons, Bravehearts, Ramsgate Reds, The Scarlet Pimpernels and many other good managers that compete regulary in "Charlie Masters League" (CML) which is the servers finest forum league.

What is your favourite team in real life?
I have 2: Cardiff City (my home town) and Arsenal (since 1976).

Do you have any hobbies?
With work, 4 children and a wife to support, i don't have time for hobbies, unless you mean playing SL.

What does attract you more on SL ?
The forums for the banter, and its always nice to get the bragging rights on your particular server.

What are you expecting of SL08?
That it runs smoothly, without too many gremlins this time round, and a few extra tweaks to make it an even more enjoyable game, but not too many that is becomes a chore to do your teams twice daily.

Thanks a lot Steve.

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