Tuesday 31 March 2009

Private Leagues: Creepshow Cups

Organized by baldy, also known as Marco Koen (not sure if he is cousin of the Coen Brothers) are the Creepshow Cups. Marco told us a little bit about this competition, let´s know what he has to say:

"When I started playing SL. My server these days was the Planetfootball server.
I had a team named Rosevalley S.Ks. Rosevalley stands for my hometown
Roosendaal, here in the Netherlands. S.Ks were my teamplayers, the Serial Killers.
When my team was up to challenge the big boys, I decided to launch
some cups. Don't have a history from those but some oldies will remember them.
Unfortunately the server closed before all cups were done.
When I came to the Benny server some months later and also build my squad, I decided to
open some Cup at that server. All players are Creepy sons of bitches, so Creeps F.C. was born.
Have a short history about those cups, cause once more the server had to close down.

Dracula Cup, winner:SSP(former 2nd team from holmes, now playing Realale Madrid on Smokey

Hellraiser Cup, winner:Sporting Clube PT(also on Smokey now)

Halloween Cup, winner:C.R.Flamengo(like Jose also on Smokey and struggling on the TM at the moment)

The Hills have Eyes Cup, winner:Sporting Clube PT

Madman Cup, winner:Rickys Rovers(On Smokey as well, with username saxon)

Friday the 13th Cup, winner:Sporting Clube PT

Like you see, Jose was the man to beat on Benny. Great team, but also struggling on the
TM at the moment. Hope to see him soon in the Creepshow Cups.
Here on Smokey I decided to start all over, so some of the Cups are familiar for those
who know them.

Hope I'm able to finish them all and hope they can be competitive and fun.
The Creeps will invite you all to have some taste of blood and gore.


Marco "

Many thanks Marco :)

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