Wednesday 18 March 2009

Interview with Nick Jolley, manager of Anfield Rd Rangers

Nick have already won one of the major this season, and now he can win the second. Let´s know what he have to say.

Nick, you and your opponent are doing the perfect season. Both of you could win 2 of the major Cups. For that both need to win this game, what do you think about your opponent? You think you can do it?
What can say about the Rumour Mill and Chris Elmore?

Well the ‘Mill have been one of the best sides on Smokey for as long as I’ve been here and Chris is one of the Smokey legends and should certainly be spoken of in the same breath as Steve, Ty and Ron. His record speaks for itself. Brilliant team stats and Tactical excellance = one hell of a side.
Can we win tonight? Yes we can, but there is absolutely no room for error. Fortunately all my team are in tip top condition and it looks as though the Mill had a war in their last game and picked up a few injuries. That said, I would say they are favourites. Experience counts for alot and they’ve been in many more finals than we have!

Was it hard to win your Conference with so many points in the lead?
2-1-1 was weaker this season with Inter Stella moving to pastures new, but with Spartak, Beticos, Kelly’s and BBZ in the same division it’s never easy. Unlike the previous season where we drew with Kelly’s and BBZ both games, this year we managed to win them all. I was a little more positive in my AT’s this season with more emphasis on “If Winning” than I have in the past and it seems to have worked.

You think you can do a season like this in the near future?
In my dreams maybe!! But no, not a chance. The major cup competitions will be extremely competitive next season with all the new guys getting their sides sorted and 2-1-1 will be stronger with the promotion of Reject City.

What was your key moment this season?
Hhhmmm, not sure really. When we beat BigBobbyZorro I knew we had a chance of winning the conference as this was the side I tended to drop points against. The final of the ICC was great. Shame I couldn’t beat Steve in the final of the World Cup as a quintuple would have looked pretty tasty on the SundayLeague CV.

Many thanks Nick and good luck.

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