Saturday 5 July 2008

Private Leagues: Number of Private Leagues

One of the indicators of what is the strongest server could be the number of private leagues. 9 servers dont have private leagues at the moment, others just have a few. Here´s the number of private leagues that each server has at the moment. I have not considered the private leagues that are still to fill, but i have considered the ones who have finished last few days.

1. Mogzilla.............16
2. Smokey..............15
3. Benny.................14
4. PTV....................13
5. Piggy..................11
6. Liverpool...............8
7. Kitty.....................8
8. Felix.....................6
9. Newcastle.............6
10. Planetfootball......5
11. Oscar.................4
12. Charlie...............4
13. Tabby................2
14. Teamtalk...........2
15. Arsenal..............2
16. Lycos.................1
17. Talksport............1
18. MANU................1

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