Tuesday 21 September 2010

Basketcase Introduces Himself

Hi all, First I would like to thank Chico for allowing me access to the blog and hope that I can repay that faith/trust with some 'entertaining' write-ups of various cups and happenings, especially in the best conference, Conference 6.

A little SL history about me.
I first starting playing way back in Sept 2004. First on Moggy and then (by request of my oldest) a couple of months later on PTV3. As time went by I inherited/created teams on PTV1, PTV2 and Planet Football (which shutdown just as my team were getting good).
The enforced move to Smokey gave me the opportunity to 'take a back seat' for a while to rejuvenate my enthusiasm for the game and stagger the team building process so that I could specialize my training.

The team name..Fivehundred or Less. Well each player cost 500 credits. Don't believe my?
Check this out...

There is a saying "Small things amuse small minds", but believe me when I say I get no pleasure out of beating teams where I know almost every player cost as much as my whole team. ... Honest. lol

Anyhow you are all in general a great bunch and I just hope my additions to this blog are worthy of your attention.

Catch you soon.

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